Rendering Script Converts Swatches To RGB & CMYK Values Using Adobe Illustrator
- by Mark-Anthony
- in Blog
- posted September 23, 2013
Below is a script I came across by John Wundes that creates a visual legend of ALL the swatches in your documents swatch palette. To run this script, extract the .zip file first, Open Adobe Illustrator and go to FILE > SCRIPTS > OTHER SCRIPT and locate the “renderSwatchLegend.jsx” script. A legend of named swatch rectangles with (by default) their CMYK & RGB values will appear in a nicely grouped object on the top of your document.
*(If you want to skip the “none” and “registration” values, just edit the script so the “for” loop start at 2 instead of 0.)
[button color=orange url=]Download Render Swatch Script[/button]