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[fancy_header]Illustrator Symbol panel for prototyping & wireframing[/fancy_header]

illustrator symbol panel

[download_box]Symbol Panel GUI elements[/download_box]


[fancy_header]Folio Builder Tools, Apps & More![/fancy_header]


I’ve put together a collection of all the tools, applications and plugins needed to work with Adobe’s digital publishing suite. This file also includes my custom tablet templates for the Samsung Galaxy, Motorola Xoom, Blackberry Playbook and Apple’s iPad.

Hope you enjoy! 🙂

[download_box]Folio Builder Tools for InDesign CS5 & CS5.5[/download_box]


[fancy_header]Tablet Templates for iPad, Xoom, Galaxy and Playbook[/fancy_header]

I’ve created some Illustrator and InDesign templates for the most popular tablet devices to use with Adobe’s Digital Publishing Suite. (Apple iPad, Motorola Xoom, Samsung Galaxy and Blackberry Playbook) I recently attended the Adobe CS5.5 seminar at Humber College, where I teach, and some attendees, surprisingly, didn’t know how to make template files or didn’t even know how to find the dimensions and resolution for devices. :/

So, I decided to help out my colleagues and my fellow DPS community by making these files available for them and YOU to use:

[download_box]Digital Publishing Suite Tablet Templates[/download_box]


[fancy_header]960 Grid with app plugins[/fancy_header]

[download_box]960 Grid with app plugins[/download_box]


[fancy_header]Vector Mobile Devices[/fancy_header]

If you’re a mobile app developer or UI developer, you may find these vector mobile devices handy if you’d like to demo your prototype design to your client/employer.
Let me know if you like them 😉

Download them by clicking on the link below.

[download_box]Vector Mobile Devices[/download_box]


[fancy_header]Vector Social Media Icons[/fancy_header]

Here’s a new social media icon set I designed. Hope you enjoy! 🙂

Download and unzip the .eps file.

[download_box]Vector Social Media icons[/download_box]


[fancy_header]iPad, iPhone & iPod Wireframes and Dev Tools[/fancy_header]

Here’s a collection of my mobile development tools that I’ve made available for download.

[download_box]Mobile Wireframes and Dev Tools[/download_box]


[fancy_header]PDF Pages to Ai Artboards: CS5 (Mac)[/fancy_header]

Have you ever had a multi paged PDF document that you wanted to place into Illustrator and have every page convert into its own artboard? I have. I came across a solution a couple years ago using an apple script that was created by Shane Stanley. I had CS4 at the time and the script was intended to only work for that version. Since then, I’ve upgraded to CS5 and, now CS5.5 and when I tried to drag and drop a multi page PDF document into my CS5 version, I couldn’t do it. :(

Well, it’s been almost over a year and Shane has written a new apple script that is able to convert PDF documents into Illustrator artboards for CS5. :)

Thanks Shane,  There’s balance in my Ai world once again.

[download_box]PDF Pages to Artboards: Illustrator CS5[/download_box]


[fancy_header]PDF Pages to Ai Artboards: CS4 (Mac)[/fancy_header]

Convert multiple paged PDf documents into an Illustrator document with multiple artboards.

[download_box]PDF Pages to Artboards: Illustrator CS4[/download_box]